How to Translate YouTube Video to Other Language

Votch tv

  • Create unlimited dubbed videos and translated subtitles in over 50 languages.
  • If you create tons of video tutorials on YouTube, it’s always helpful to translate it to a different language. Or say, if you found a stimulating Russian video on YouTube that you simply would really like to concentrate in your native languages.
  • Well, here’s a nifty tool that helps you to dub any YouTube video with a click of a button.

How to Translate YouTube Video to Other Language

  • The usual thanks to do that is to feed your video to a Speech-to-Text app then , convert extracted text to an appropriate language using Google Translate.
  • Alternatively, you’ll do your voiceover manually or get an app for it. But, it’s an extended and cumbersome process.
  • Enter Votch TV, a replacement web app that dub YouTube videos on a fly.
  • All you’ve got to try to to is visit Votch.com and make a free account.
  • Next up, you provide your YouTube video link and choose the new language of your video.
  • It provides 50+ languages to settle on from and hit the beginning button once you are done.
    Post-processing, it stripes down your video and converts it into small chunks of text.
  • you’ll particularly undergo the text and proper it wherever required. Once you’re ready , select the dub voice (i.e. Male and Female) and dub language and click on on “Create dub”.
    Below, is a whole video shot in English and converted to Spanish.
  • The results aren’t perfect but useable. I even have tried multiple videos and languages and that i would rate Votch 7/10 in terms of accuracy.
  • The pausing and context could are better but the results are quite usable as of now. you’ll also customize individual paragraphs to be dubbed in male or female voice.

How does it work?

  • If you’re wondering how the tool internally works, here may be a brief summary.
  • The tool initially downloads your video using wget or another tool.
  • Firstly, it transcribes your video using an API like Google Cloud Speech-to-Text.
  • Next step, the extracted text is converted to the selection of language you decide on using another API like Google Translate. the ultimate part is now recording the text during a male/female voice.
  • For any issues or queries regarding Votch Tv, let me know within the comments below.



PH World


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